Hobby Lobby and the Birth Control Mandate

Hobby Lobby has been in the news quite a lot lately. The reason has to do with the court cases that the company has filed in regards to the birth control mandate. Here are the facts of the situation. * Hobby Lobby is a Christian chain of stores that sell craft supplies. There are 525 Hobby Lobby stores across the nation. The CEO is David Green. According to Forbes, David Green has a net worth of $4.5 billion. * As of August 1, 2012, all health plans are required to cover women’s preventative health care without charging for a co-pay, … Continue reading

Judge Rules Hobby Lobby Must Cover Birth Control

A judge has ruled that Hobby Lobby must provide coverage for birth control in their employer sponsored health insurance. This is excellent news for women who work for Hobby Lobby, (and for their families)! Employers cannot impose their own, personal, religious beliefs upon their workers. Part of the Affordable Care Act requires health insurance plans to cover the cost of birth control. This is because health plans must cover everything that has been categorized as preventative care. Women’s preventative care includes birth control. Previous to this rule, women were having to come up with money out of their own pocket … Continue reading

Arizona has a Health Care Cost Containment System

Every state has a Medicaid program. Each state can choose to name their program whatever they want to. Some just call it “Medicaid”. Others use the word “Healthy” in the name. California calls it Medi-Cal. Arizona’s Medicaid program is called the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System. I’ve been writing about insurance for a couple of years now. In that span of time, Arizona has consistently come up with some of the most extreme ideas about health insurance coverage that the nation has ever seen. This is the state that created a bill called House Bill 2625 which would have … Continue reading

Judge Throws Out Birth Control Coverage Lawsuit

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit that was filed by seven states, two individuals, and several Catholic institutions. The groups filed the lawsuit because they felt that requiring religious employers to cover birth control violated their religious beliefs. The judge decided the complaint was not yet ripe for review. There have been several lawsuits filed in an attempt to block the portion of the Affordable Care Act that requires employers, including religious employers, to cover the cost of contraception in the health insurance plans that are offered to their employees. Those opposed to this coverage feel that it violates … Continue reading

Flood Insurance Bill Delayed by Unrelated Amendment

The current flood insurance program will expire at the end of July of 2012. The Senate has been working on a bill that would reauthorize the program. Unfortunately, Senator Rand Paul decided to add an amendment about abortion to the flood insurance bill. This is causing a delay, right before a national holiday. A typical homeowners insurance policy excludes coverage for damages due to flooding. If your home is located in a flood zone, then you may be required to purchase flood insurance. Many families get it from the National Flood Insurance Program, (or NFIP). The current insurance program from … Continue reading

New Law Affects Insurance Coverage for Birth Control

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed a law that allows religious employers to opt-out of having to cover birth control in their employer sponsored health insurance plans. They can also exclude coverage for abortion-inducing drugs. Brewer says that will protect the faith and freedom of religious employers. In March of 2012, there was an extremely controversial bill called House Bill 2625. The Arizona House of Representatives passed it. The bill would have required female employees to prove to their employer that they were using birth control to treat a medical condition, such as endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome, in order to … Continue reading

Arizona Senate Rejects Controversial Health Insurance Bill

In Arizona, there was a bill called House Bill 2625. It would require women to prove to their employers that they were using birth control to treat a medical condition, and not to prevent pregnancy. The bill passed the Arizona House of Representatives. The Arizona Senate has rejected this controversial bill. You have probably heard about House Bill 2625, even if you don’t recognize it by name. This bill was so controversial that it was reported by news agencies and websites, and was widely discussed across the internet. If this bill were passed into law, it would have given employers … Continue reading

Arizona Senate to Vote on Controversial Health Insurance Bill

The Arizona Senate will soon vote on a health insurance bill that has already been sparking outrage across the internet. If passed into law, it would require women to prove to their employers that the birth control they are using is for medical problems, (and not to prevent pregnancy). The bill has already been passed by the Arizona House of Representatives. In Arizona, there is a bill called House Bill 2625. A few weeks ago, this bill was passed by the Arizona House of Representatives. It will soon be voted on by the Arizona Senate. This bill proposes a change … Continue reading

Several Catholic Institutions Do Cover Birth Control

The National Women’s Law Center has put together a sampling list of Catholic – affiliated institutions that provide coverage for contraception in their employer sponsored health insurance plans. Perhaps the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ views about birth control coverage doesn’t match with what all Catholics believe. There has been a lot of controversy regarding the requirement that employers cover birth control in their employer sponsored health insurance plans. Churches, mosques, and synagogues are exempt from that rule. Recently, religiously affiliated businesses (such as Christian or Catholic universities and hospitals), also became exempt from that rule. Instead, the insurance … Continue reading

Seven States Sue Over Birth Control Coverage

Yet another lawsuit has been filed regarding the requirement that religiously affiliated businesses receive birth control coverage in their employer sponsored health insurance plans. This time, the lawsuit has been filed against the Obama administration by a group of seven states. The battle over birth control coverage continues. Recently, the Obama administration made what has been referred to as a “compromise” regarding coverage of birth control. Originally, churches, mosques, synagogues, and other houses of worship are exempt from having to cover birth control in their employer sponsored health insurance plans. Businesses are required to cover birth control in the health … Continue reading